History, Books & Wine Podcast

Hold Strong: Revealing WWII’s Forgotten Tragedy with Dugoni & Langholz

Season 4 Episode 21

I’m excited to be joined on the show today by guest authors Robert Dugoni and Jeff Langholz. On this episode we’re going to talk about their book that they penned along with Chris Crabtree, HOLD STRONG, a unique WWII novel about the deadliest accident in US military history and the people involved, an incredible and inspiring story that has never been told completely—until now. 

Paired with this episode:

Robert: Silent Night Tea, Smith's Tea Company

Jeff: Champagne

Eliza: Bound, Cabernet Sauvignon

Get the book:
Hold Strong by Robert Dugoni, Jeff Langholz and Chris Crabtree

What Robert is Reading:
ARC of Shell Games by Dan Waters

ARC of I Heard You Paint Cowboys

What Jeff is Reading:

Research books!

Find Robert Online!

Find Jeff and research images online!

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Eliza Knight

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